This is an 11 story treehouse on the way to Puyo from Shell. We went there with Chris, Mandy and their kids. View from the top of the...

A day full of chaos!
Ginia and Jos were back in PT this am. Her job is snuggle and stimulate the babies and special needs kids. Go Jos! Many kids like my...

So what is God doing in our lives!?
What was it that led us to Ecuador as a family? Is this the life changing trip it is supposed to be? What is it that God want us to do...
More Random Thoughts
We had "steak" for dinner last night. It is in quotes because I am not exactly sure that is what we really had. I only speak a bit of...

We are giants among them!
On my left is Jaime and on Emery's side is Hernan. They are the maestros, the construction and groundskeeping folks. Jaime is from the...

Can you believe they actually let me drive in Ecuador!?
I read in a book before we came to Ecuador that the number two killer of people age 20-30 in Ecuador was motor vehicle accidents. It's...

This place is accross the street and down a bit from where we are staying. Typical house with the top part covered. Perfect for this...
Random Thoughts
We went to church yesterday with Mark (director of ops. and chaplain of Casa de Fe). Every other sunday they have an English translated...

Oh my, what a rainy day!
Really big snail. Found this on the way home from church. I took many pictures trying to get the camera to see what I saw. When I look...

Day in Banos
Went to work out with Jos today and bumped into Renee, a missionary we met at Casa de Fe. She invited us to go with her family to Banos,...