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This place is accross the street and down a bit from where we are staying. Typical house with the top part covered. Perfect for this area! Lots of rain but no wind. The insides of houses are pretty nomal looking. Folks don't seem to care about the outside. Up the street from us is another town with shacks and shantys. I am going to check and see if it is safe to go look around.


This is the building directly accross the street from us. On the right is a little mini-mart kind of shop and on the left side is a wierd little "sport clothing place". I think the owners live up above.


To the side of our house. Everything gated and our house with barbed wire on top of the fence. That's not very reassuring, but we haven't been mugged yet!


Ginia and Jos hung out with babies and special needs kids helping with physical therapy and lovin'!


OMG! This little one is tooo cute! She and her siblings were to go home today but she is still here.




Emery and I tackled the upstairs. Two of the older boys live up here. We took all this stuff to the cement building on the left, took apart the beds and actually managed to fit it all! That was a good day's work.

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