Cultural Program at Casa de Fe
Yesterday on the way to Casa de Fe we found this little guy. Centipede or millipede? Poisonous or not poisonous? I guess it doesn't...

Ginia of the Jungle!
This morning the unthinkable happened! My wife, my Marriot wife, trekked through the jungle and sticky black muck that relentlessly tried...

We named him Hombre
We arrived in Shell about 2am after a great flight and a good, but long trip in van from Quito to Shell. The place we are staying is...

Yay TSA!
While standing in line for security this morning, we noticed that our ticketes were TSA Precheck!! How cool is that?? We got out of the...

Look out bugs!
Sooooooooooo.... Hopefully spraying our clothes will help to keep the bugs such from being such a bother. The stuff we sprayed on the...
Thank you so much!!
We had our garage sale yesterday and today and it was a huge success!! Thank you everyone! Over $4500.00 will be brought with us to the...

Garage sale to benefit Casa de Fe
We are having a garage sale on April 24 and 25 from 9am to 2 pm in the second floor of Rawhide Drug Lusk, WY. Please give as the Lord...

April 16. Not long now!!!
We have never been out of the United States and are both nervous and excited! We will fly from Denver to Miami then to Quito, Leaving...