We are giants among them!

On my left is Jaime and on Emery's side is Hernan. They are the maestros, the construction and groundskeeping folks. Jaime is from the Huaorani people andHernan is part of the Shiwiar people and (up to the 1950's these were the folks that shrunk heads.) Hernan has a hard time pronouncing our names, Emery and Kirk, so he calls Emery "Big Boy" and me "Walker Texas Ranger". LOL! Most of the folks here are shorter than me (I'm 5'7"). I didn't have my camera last Sunday at church so I missed taking a picture of my wife towering over the Ecuadorian women! I think the average height of the women is probably 4'11 or so.

Emery and I split up Friday morning as he went to mow the grounds with a weed eater and I pulled weeds from what was a tilapia pond. I think it is where we are planting "papa chinas" (chinese potatoes). If this isn't the place then they are just messing with me putting me under a net with spiders and webs all over! I will keep you posted.

This little guy was in the weeds I was pulling. He is about the size of the end of my pinky finger.

These are the school desks that the family painted. Always a ton of projects to do around here. Jaime and Hernan are the only paid staff for construction and grounds keeping. Payroll expenses are a huge part of operations here at Casa de Fe so they run on as small a staff as possible and welcome all the help they can get. It doesn't matter what you can or cannot do, there is a job for you if you would ever like to come visit!

When I said everything is concrete I meant Everything!. This is a concrete power pole that someone must have run into last night.