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Day in Banos

Went to work out with Jos today and bumped into Renee, a missionary we met at Casa de Fe. She invited us to go with her family to Banos, a town about 30 minutes away. Was a great time!


Female papaya plant in the yard where we are staying.


Male papay plant. How does that evolve to have 2 sexes of the same plant?


That just isn't right!


The city is on the side of an active volcano. Patti Sue showed us pictures from a few days ago and the top of the mountain was smoking like crazy. They say better some smoke all the time rather than no smoke and big boom!


This is very interesting! This is all run by a waterfall. It is a fish farm/restaurant. You catch your own fish from the big pond and they cook it for you. So the water runs into the little tanks at the bottom of the picture (top of the hill) Each has a drain in the middle and when the fish get big enough they are drained down to the next larger tank and so on. So by the time they get to the big ones down on the bottom they are "eating size". If you can blow up the picture you will see that they all have a swirly drain in the middle. Pretty cool!

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