
This is an 11 story treehouse on the way to Puyo from Shell. We went there with Chris, Mandy and their kids.

View from the top of the treehouse. That storm off int the distance was only about 15 minutes away and we got plenty wet this afternoon! We are truly getting an idea of hospitality and friendship as we are 3600 miles from home. It is more than the gringos sticking together in a place they are the minority. We have met many missionary families and all bend over backwards for everyone they see; Ecuadorians and gringos. Am thankful for the experience, and humbled as I fail miserably at showing the love of Christ to others. We always place service and hospitality on the back burner in the United States, with work and other "duties" taking priority most times. I have no idea the fix for this, as it has taken us as Americans a couple hundred years to get to where we are, with our focus on self-fulfillment and worship of all things but God. To be able to go back home and keep life simple is my prayer for today.

On the wall at Casa de Fe.