So what is God doing in our lives!?

What was it that led us to Ecuador as a family? Is this the life changing trip it is supposed to be? What is it that God want us to do with our lives? As each person was made a missionary by the "Great Commission", what is each of us doing to spread the Gospel? What are we learning from our trip so far?
Lessons Learned so far:
1. There is no excuse for being too busy to spread the gospel. "I don't have time because I have to work." "We have to get the yard cleaned up, the house cleaned, the lawn mowed, the weeds pulled.... (insert distraction here). There is only the problem of being too distracted by the things we think to be important. The missionaries here made the simple (not easy) choice to leave a life to make a new one. They made the decision that they needed to be where God wanted them and not on their terms, but on God's.
2. My children are a never ending suprise-
Josie's plans for her life- fashion designer, wedding planner, or some other worldly thing in New York City or some other city. She is coming to the conclusion that she could spend her days here taking care of babies and serving others before herself. She likes much about this life.
Emery- Who has complained quietly for the last few months, today proclaimed that he does like it here. I think it has been powerful for him to get to know the different missionaries. He doesn't see his life as one holding little people, but is realizing that most of us spend our lives fulfilling worldly selfish desires. He is realizing that we try to label things as "charity" or "missions" or "ministry" when, in actuallity they are oftentimes self-serving and far from the will of God for our lives.
3. In Christian circles it is said that "one does not have to be overseas to be a missionary and that the mission field is in our own backyard." "That while it may not be our gift to go out and about, we can spread the gospel by supporting those who are on the front lines." That all sounds great but if people are as lousy at "sowing in their backyard" as I am, the world is in great trouble. And that although we may not all be comfortable spreading the Word, we are all called to do so! If I am not actively spreading the gospel on a daily basis I am failing. Plain and simple. We all need to find a place where we can do that and not make excuses!
4. We hear God best not when we are sitting but when we are doing. Many of these missionaries came down with a certain idea of an area of ministry and are doing something completely different but they know that they are where God wants them to be. How often to we sit, and sit, and sit, because we "don't hear from God", or we are "listening for that quiet voice to lead us". We wait for God to speak, when he has already spoken. He said "Go"!
5. I am ill equipped to spread the gospel through lack of focus in my life. We all have 24 hours each day and we can use them wisely or unwisely. I have been hanging out on the unwise end caught up in non-productive activities and a bit of apathy.