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Cultural Program at Casa de Fe

Yesterday on the way to Casa de Fe we found this little guy. Centipede or millipede? Poisonous or not poisonous? I guess it doesn't matter cuz we aren't going to eat it anyway!


Chontacuro must mean tough grub with greasy insides. Ain't gonna eat one of those either. Folks DO eat them though. They are about as big as my thumb.


The bucket of grubs was part of a program yesterday at Casa de Fe. There was all sorts of things and was wonderful!! There was authentic food, displays, and the kids were there to give speeches about the different people of the Pastaza province.


Lots of different foods. Of interest is the Panela. A block of sugar boiled down from sugar cane. They eat it with cheese as a snack. Looks like we use a little bleach to get the white stuff. Yumm... bleach in our sugar. :) The thing on the upper right is a cacao bean.


All yummy!!


I uploaded this picture cuz when I looked at it as a thumbnail I thought it was Andy, a missionary. I will leave it on because it takes too long to delete due to VERY slow internet tonight. Bananas are heavy. LOL


This bowl they call "Dump truck" if I remember right. It is roasted corn, beans, plantain chips and some fishy onion stuff. Was pretty good!!


Em is gonna end up loving babies yet!

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