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Ginia of the Jungle!

This morning the unthinkable happened! My wife, my Marriot wife, trekked through the jungle and sticky black muck that relentlessly tried to take the boots off her feet. First thing this morning we met Jaime (sp?)(Hi-mee) to cut some trees and other stuff to make thatched roof stations for a cultural display tomorrow. He thought himself quite funny as he took us the LONG way to where we needed to be by going around the boundary of the orphanage rather than out the front gate and up the road. She handled it incredibly well! She may even be ready to go camping when we get back. LOL


We are going to try to plant some kind of potato next week where we are standing, but it is very marshy. A work group that came up before us dug a small ditch above the site to try to divert water. Part of this morning was spent cutting grass out of the bottom of the ditch. Spiders and frog eggs, and black mud... OH MY!



Me and my Jos walking home for lunch and a shower. Gonna help with Occupational Therapy this afternoon! The road ahead is only about 3 months old. The little bridge on the right is what had always been used in the past for people cars and whatever needed to get accross the river. Very small.


Emery working with a little girl. Very specific "Monkey-see-monkey-do" exercises help her muscle tone and motor skills. Definately not Emery in his comfort zone! He was very good with her though!


This little girl is strapped upright on a thing with wheels. Made me dizzy spinning her around until she laughed so hard she couldnt breathe. Don't know if she has every been spun around so fast. :)


Jos held this itty bitty most of the afternoon. They figure she is 13 months old but I don't think Emery was as small as she when he was a newborn!


We gringos stopped to take a picture standing on a bridge while walking downtown Shell. It is so beautiful here!

Today we met a missionary couple here from Ohio. They are in the process of adopting a child from here and will be moving to Loja as soon as the adoption is complete. They are a fun couple and he is on fire for street evangelism to the people of Ecuador. He says the people of Shell are very open to listening to him preach the Gospel, but word has it those in Loja are just the opposite. Will be interesting to catch up with him when he gets down there and settled in.

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