Enrique and Sol

This little dude is Enrique. He is 3 years old and tiny tiny. He has cancer behind his right eye and also has spread to his left eye. He is the happiest little guy on the face of the earth!! His right eye looks swollen, bloody and very painful. He had his first round of chemo a week or 2 ago. He will lose his right eye for sure and maybe his left one. A lady in Quito has offered to pay for this surgery. Please pray for this little guy. (And I did not put this pen in his mouth!)

Pictured below is Sol. This is the little gal who stole Josies heart when we were here our first visit. She was malnourished as her mother lives in the jungle, was not producing enough milk, but was not able to provide nourishment any other way. She came out of the jungle to get help for her, but not until there was much damage done physically and mentally to this sweet baby. I truly wish I could bring them all back to Wyoming with me. They, like thousands of children in the US, are trapped in a system of breaucracy that keeps them institutionalized. Begging for you to help through prayer, finances and your presence. We would love to see you come to Ecuador to visit Casa de Fe.