Second Week
Our second week in Ecuador and getting settled in. Kids getting music lessons set up again. (We are tryin skype lessons with some new teachers.) and getting settled into a new school schedule as we are now Eastern time and some of their classes are at specific times onlie. Internet has been a bit of a problem here as our landlord wants us to use his internet but the signal isnt strong enough to get through all the concrete and rebar. The phone company isn't interested in running another line, and if they did it would be a 2 year contract and a month wait. I got a network extender that seems to be doing ok so hopefully will be ok for the kids to do school and to use our Magic Jack for phone calls.

Ginia, yes Ginia, fit all of her stuff for our overnight trip to Quito in her backpack!! Things I never though possible. :)

Picture of the cathedral in Baños at night.

Pictures from the parade. NOTHING like an American parade. We watched this one for almost 3 hours and it was not even close to being done! 50 floats and a dancing group behind each float. Was incredible! I am so sad that because of my internet, it takes almost an hour to upload a 20 second video. Will try to find a better connection and put some video on the blog. Next week is the Civic Parade. Will be tons of marching bands etc. Will be interesting to see how long that one lasts.