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Made it down to Ecuador and all settled in! We stayed a day in Quito to try to take care of Visas. I had to retister my Visa so I ended up having to leave it there and therefore we were not able to start of the Visas for the rest of the family. Will have to go back 2 more times (hopefully only 2). The busride down was beautiful and our apartment is great! We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with friends over in Shell. Patti Sue from Casa de Fe was there along with the D'Vargas and the Zunigas. What a wonderful time with great people.!

Below are some pictures of the trip. Notice the patches of farm ground on the side of the mountains. Can you imagine having to walk all around the hills to farm?

I needed coffe filters. In a town of 14000 people, they do not stock coffe filters at the main grocery. The guy sent us up the street. We found a little store that did have filters. He asked how many I wanted and I told him one, figuring one package. He handed me one filter!! Filters are sold eaches here, so I got 50 filters out of the partial bag of 200 that the fellow had. He did not have anoter full bag. :)

We happened upon a parade.

This is part of the view from the roof of my apartment. There is no way to explain how beautiful it is here! The two pointy things are part of the large cathedral. It takes up most of a city block.

Real flowers 12 bucks! We probably even took it in the shorts on the price because we are gringos.

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