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Witnessing in Loja

I had no idea when we were planning our trip what our reason was for needing to be in Loja for the last week or so but knew it was supposed to be. Im not gonna claim to have had a whole elaborate conversation with God, just knew we were to come here. I still do not have the answer to exactly why we were here but some interesting things to ponder. Back in Shell, we had opportunity to have dinner with many missionary families and to get to know a great many people. Andy and his wife Priscilla were one of those families. During our dinner he asked about our plans and I told him that we would be in Shell for a while then on to Loja for some unknown reason. He said he felt like his ministry is being led to the area and said if we were going later on it would be good to go togther. He thought we were going the end of May and that was too soon for him. However, the timing was perfect and Andy and his partner Manuel made the trip with us. On the journey we talked about a ton of stuff as it was an 11 hour trip. I told him that one of the most impactful books I have read was "Why Revival Tarries". I told him about the book and he was looking at me strange while I was telling him. A few minutes later he pulled that very book out of his bag and said a friend had sent it to him to read. Coincidence!? Through the missionary contact I had made, Andy was able to get information for a couple other missionaries in the area as well. We got to see two men plead before many to accept Christ. We haven't really caught up with the missionary we came to see in Loja. We went to church at his home last week, spent a little time in the park, but that was it. He was definately not the reason we are in Loja. But interesting that without him as a contact, we would not be here now. I love piecing all the pieces together of how the Lord works in our lives!!!

Was an excellent time in the park with Manuel and Andy. They both have huge hearts for evangelism and street preaching and I can't think of a time that either one of them ran into someone without witnessing to them (in the taxi, on the bus, in a restaurant, on the street). Took a long time to get anywhere, but was incredible!!

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Andy stood up on a park bench and preached and this little girl circled a few times. Jos noticed her and gave her a tract and brought her to Manuel. This little girl accepted Christ as her Savior!!! I can see the Lord working our family and was wonderful to see Jos in the park. She is very sensitive to the facial expressions of those in proximity to the preaching and was able to hand out tracts to those who may have been missed otherwise. Praise the Lord!!

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Andy witnessing fellow in the park.

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On the way to Catamayo, Manuel preached on the bus. The bus driver kept telling him to sit down but he kept on preaching. How passionate he is every time he speaks!!


Manuel preaching in the park to whomever would listen.

Us, not knowing any Spanish were of no help in the park other than handing out gospel tracts and greeting folks but I don't know that I have every been a part of something so wonderful!

There is a large Jehova's Witness presence in Loja and of course many folks who are Catholic. Many of those who Manuel or Andy witnessed to either didn't really know what their religions believed and they believed untrue or superstitous thoughts. I witnessed to a gal who is going to the Jehova's Witness Church and her reason was that she grew up Catholic and the nuns were very physically abusive to the children. She is Jehova's Witness because this is the only alternative she sees to the Catholic religion. In a town of 180,000 people I can find no evangelical church. There probably is one, and probably more in homes, but I am not finding any. We visited with a missionary that I had contacted prior to coming down here and they are at least one group who has services. Only a handful attend Sunday service. He also does a bible study each night of the week. He feels he is being called away from the area and may soon be leaving. Many missionaries and missions agencies think that because there are so many "religious" people here that the area is evangelized. They could not be farther from the truth. Loja is an area where, as of today, over 170,000 people are currently destined to not be eternally in the Kingdom of God. Manuel and Andy are doing there part, but am I????

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