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What is jail like in Ecuador?

I forgot to mention that I think we almost went to jail while drivine to Puyo to dinner with one of the teams. My US drivers license allows me to drive in Ecuador for 3 months, but it evidently does not allow me to drive the truck I have been driving and evidently it is not legal to have 20 people in the back on main roads. I was blessed that Heidi, one of the leaders of the team, speaks very good Spanish. She turned on the cute look and after about 30 minutes we were on our way again. He said that the consequence for my actions is to lose the truck and all of us go to jail. Glad it didn't happen that way. Instead, we had a wonderful dinner with wonderful company!

On Sunday we went to Baños to get some last minute shopping done and had a nice visit with an Spanish teacher. They are nationals (and christians) and as part of their ministry they tutor students. These students, who are Christians, are hazed badly by the Catholic kids (who say they are Christians) to the point that they are willing to travel almost an hour and a half to a different school to get away from the hazing. It sounds like in talking to many around town that the non-Catholic folks take a bit of a beating in that area. Strange as I think their bible says the same thing about how to treat others as our bible........ I want to come back to learn Spanish and help these kids to learn english and grow in their faith to be a light among darkness here in Baños.

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