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It was an honor to be allowed to be part of Evelyn's quinceañera celebration on Saturday. This is a huge event in Latin culture as it marks the transition from girlhood to womanhood. By the decorations and planning it was easy to see how much Evelyn is loved by everyone here a Casa de Fe.

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This part of the celebration is the changing of the shoes from those of a child to those of an adult and is the most important part of the day.

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Evelyn is a very quite young lady and I think it was hard for her to be the center of attention, but in a house of 60 children I'm sure it felt good to have a day of her own. :)

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Evelyn and Patti Sue. Evelyn has been here a little over two years and was one who came to Casa de Fe of her own accord to escape an unhealthy family situation. She has siblings still at home and I know it is hard for her to be at CdF while they are still at home. Praise God Casa de Fe is here for her. She is a remarkable young lady!

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