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When in Ecuador.....

File Jun 09, 5 51 31 PM.jpeg

This is my jambalaya complete with chicken foot! The folks down here don't waste any part of the chicken, sucking everything off of the foot and even out of the head. I just couldn't get myself to throw the head in.

There are many different things about Ecuador that we are getting used to as time goes on and even begining to appreciate as a different way of life.

-People who know eachother always take time to greet one another with a handshake or a kiss and a small conversation. They never run past eachother and wave like we do in the US, in Lusk. It has been nice to slow down and appreciate spending time with others.

-Many people walk to where they need to go. Cars are awful expensive here, with a 12 year old car still going for 8-10 thousand dollars. Imported cars are all about 50 percent more than they are in the US. We walk to CdF most days, and then downtown to get groceries for the next day. I hope we continue to walk when we get home.

-Many of the workers take 1 1/2 to 2 hours for lunch. Okay..... so there is no way I am ever going to get used to this!! After 20 plus years of not taking a lunch, this simply drives me crazy!!!

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