Ministry in Banos

We went to visit Dr. Wes and Donna King in Banos for the weekend to learn of their ministry and testimony.
Dr. King wanted to be a missionary since he was a child and has spent much of his life traveling and serving the Lord through medicine and service. He has been all over the world before landing in Banos, Ecuador. He started building his home/facility in 2001, finished in 2004 and it consists of 6 bedrooms downstairs, as his plan was to take in homeless boys. He has had several over the years, a couple still live with him, and a couple live next door and have their own lives now. He also ended up building a community center with a church on the next level. This was a huge blessing as they had a packed house for the Sunday School program they started and also full for bible study. It was wonderful to hear stories of answered prayer time, and time, and time again. They still have a burden for children and are still listening for the Lord to lead in their lives. Their story is incredible and I am unable to do it justice trying to relay happenings of their lives.

This is the area down below their house. A beautiful area for teams visitors to relax. It is set up like a small ampitheatre where groups can meet and listen to speakers. Wes gathered ALL of the rocks that are in the walls and floor of the back yard. He did not disagree with me when I called him Crazy!

This is a picture with Edisson, one of the Kings children. Eddie has been with them a long time. He had meningitis as a young child and it destroyed a large part of his brain. He has an excellent home with the Kings.

This is the front gate of El Dulce Refugio (Sweet Refuge). The King's haven for children in need.