God's Creation

A banana tree. The big purple thing will be a blossom and in a few months it will look like picture below.

These are little bananas. About 6 inches long. Tasty!! It takes a large tree to grow one bunch of bananas and it will only grow one bunch in the lifetime of the tree.

A spider in the King's back yard. I don't like spiders much but I really don't like the little biting gnats that the spiders eat! Those little things bite and leave a welt that lasts two weeks. Lots of spiders here, but I cannot imagine the amount of bugs without them.

Cattle on a hill high up in the mountains. These critters are at about 10000 ft. This is a pretty flat area. Some of the places they graze I cant believe they don't slide down the face of the mountain. None of the critters here are fininshed on anything but grass. Very good for you but incredibly lean!! Have to add fat to make hamburgers or they just fall apart.

This doesnt look so impressive but both sides are lava rock and the river in the middle is about 30 fit accross. Wes said when the river floods the water goes up as high as the top of the rocks. I forget so often the power of nature util I see something like this.

This wasp is about an inch and a half long and very pretty. I am going to have to get better at capturing the beauty of things.

A picture of the "patchwork" farms on the sides of the mountains.

This is a volcano right by Banos. in 1999 it erupted a bit and again in 2006. It is 17000 ft. and poofs smoke most days. If it really erupts Banos is a gonner!