Everyone has a story
We were told the history of a little girl today that broke my heart. She was born in the jungle and her parents did not want her. She went to live with her uncle who really did not wish to take care of her either. At two years old he left her underneath the house to literally be raised by dogs. She has been at Casa de Fe for about four years and is becoming a challenge as she grows older and larger. Where does she go when she can no longer be at Casa?
A little girl, maybe about 15 months was abandoned. Am guessing she will be available for adoption and would most likely be adopted by an Ecuadorian. They call her "gorda" meaning fat girl. In Ecuador this is an endearing term. Hope they don't try that with my wife. LOL!
Another little girl was the product of a failed abortion. The 50 year old dad made the pregnant teen mom drink some kind of jungle stuff multiple times in an attempt to abort the child. She was born with only one eye and motor troubles. Mom wanted to keep her but family wouldn't allow it. Thank the Lord for Casa de Fe as an alternative to leaving her outside for the animals to take away.
A family of five, mother no longer around, father is an alcoholic. This is not their first time here and they are here on a foster basis. There are a fair number of kids at Casa de Fe who are here temporarily (hopefully) until they can be successfully reinserted into their homes.
Chris, our missionary friend is pictured left taking a group of children out for a Physical Education class.

Jaime and emery chalked out a soccer field today so the little peeps could play.

Its pretty cool that this piece of land was donated. Huge amounts of work to clear this area as it appears that it was all jungle! The only way this place exists is because of volunteer teams, who helped clear the area, build the buildings, and help with maintenance. Hundreds of people over several years have made Casa de Fe what it is today. I would love to take a team from Wyoming next year so y'all start saving your money!