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Typical Workday



Jaime, Emery and I filling in low spots in the drainage ditch that runs down the side of the road. I think the mosquitos are not too bad here because they really focus on getting rid of all the standing water that they can.


Emery found this spider behind the large shop as he was cleaning out the drainage ditch back there. Many large spiders the size of his hand back there. I had to go help replace a window at the main building this morning and was not there to help the little guy with this job. Eeek, spiders!!!! I do not like them Sam I am!


He killed one to show me in person.

File May 22, 9 53 36 PM.jpeg

This is a fresh water eel that the kids caught in one of the drainage canals. He was about 2.5 ft long, and yes, Brady, I did hold him!! It was only after I set him down that I actually saw the size of his mouth as he showed me how mean he was! Jaime says they are good eating!

File May 21, 8 21 39 PM.jpeg

This guy was about the size of my hand, maybe aobut 7 inches. I think he flys. Eeeew!

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