Sacha Runa

We no more than left the apartment when it started raining. Pretty much a normal thing here. We didn't bother with umbrellas as soon we would be plodding though the jungle on the way to visit a couple houses of folks.

This is Lexie, Chris and Mandy's daughter. Chris has been here about 10 months and has a burden for the people in the jungle. Lexie, Christian, and Journey are all very comfortable with this new life and are not at all squeamish about new terrain or meeting new people.

I can't believe Ginia is on this trek voluntarily!!! I bet we will even be able to get her to go camping once we get back home.

Us crossing the river.

It is about 25 ft down to the river below. Jos and Ginia were very brave!

Chris calls this route the "Advanced Hike". We may do that another day. :)

The people of this area are squatters. The land is owned by the government and there are not supposed to be people here, but they have nowhere to go so they build shacks and stay here. They do not have clean water, as the government does not want them here in the first place. Chris and his partners are planning on installing a cistern to catch rainwater for this family that they may have clean water. Today we brought the 6 kids some clothes and shoes. They have electricity from somewhere and have a couple lights and a hot plate. Where the average pay is less than $2.00/hour many cannot afford to rent a place in town. When you only make about $320 a month it is hard to pay $150 or more per month for housing. This place has 3 small bedrooms and there are 12 people living here. The mother of the 6 children is married but her husband left some time ago when she told him she didn't feel well (she has pain in her chest) and has not come back. She allowed us to pray for her and her family and I gladly prayed but was sad I had to do so in English and that she could not understand me. Will definately know more Spanish if we return!
Brand new promotional video for Casa de Fe. All of the kids shown in the video are here currently. Needed are many volunteers. English teachers, Occupational and physical therapists, nurse, Teams coordinator and other jobs that can be done from the US in the comfort of your own home. Children around the world need our care. These kids are no different than so many others. We will be working hard to generate funds for this organization upon return to our home. If you can help in any way or have any ideas on how to generate income for this orphanage please let me know your thoughts.